Programme short
Programme long
Lecture slides
Local comittee

to be ordered



Tuesday, 29th of March 2005                                                                                                          
15.00 – 17:00    Registration for early arriving participants                                                   Room 2.69

Wednesday, 30th of March 2005

 08.00 – 08.30    Registrations (open all day)

08.30 – 09.00    Opening ceremony                                                                               Room HS B

                        Welcome by the Rector of the Alps-Adria University Klagenfurt, Günther Hödl

                        Welcome by the President of the School Council of Carinthia, Claudia Egger

                        Welcome and Official Opening of the Conference by Theodor Siegl, representing the Minister of Education, Science, and Research of Austria, Elisabeth Gehrer

                        Introduction to the Technical Programme by the PC-Chair, Roland Mittermeir

09.00 – 10.30    Session 1: Chair: Roland Mittermeir                                                         Room HS B

09.00 – 10.00    20 Years of Informatics in Austrian Secondary Schools – Joint Keynote:

                        Anton Reiter (Austria): Incorporation of Informatics in Austrian Education
The Project “Computer-Education-Society” in the School-Year 1984/85

                        Peter Micheuz (Austria): 20 Years of Computers and Informatics in Austrian Secondary Academic Schools

                        Martin Weissenböck (Austria): Informatics Education at Vocational Schools and     Colleges in Austria

10.00 – 10.30    Laszlo Böszörmenyi (Austria):
Teaching: People to People - About People: A plea for the historic and
human view

10.30 – 11.00    coffee break with posters of school development projects                                  Aula B

11.00 – 13.00    Tutorial 1: Matthias Dreier, W. Hartmann (Switzerland):                                 SR 2.42
Suchmaschinen verstehen: Einsatz einer didaktischen Suchmaschine im Unterricht (Understanding Search Engines – The tutorial will be given in German)

11.00 – 12.30    Session 2: Chair: Gerald Futschek                                                         Room HS B

                        National Perspectives I

                        Martyn Clark, Roger Boyle (United Kingdom):
The Transition from School to University: Would Prior Study of Computing Help?

                        Ewa Gurbiel, Grazyna Hardt-Olejniczak, Ewa Kolczyk, Helena Krupicka, Maciej M.
Syslo (Poland):
Informatics and ICT in Polish Education System

                        Valentina Dagiene (Lithuania):
Teaching Information Technology in General Education: Challenges and Perspectives


12.30 – 14.00    lunch break                                                                                                   Mensa


14.00 – 17.30    Tutorial 2: Gerald Futschek, Gerhard Scheidl (Austria):                                  SR 2.42

                              Didactic Aspects of e-Learning Contents Development            (+PC-labs 1.37,1.41)


14.00 – 15.30    Parallel Session 3: Chair: Peter Micheuz                                               Room HS B

                        National Perspectives II

                        Christian Dorninger (Austria):

                              Educational Standards in School Informatics in Austria                                        

                        Oleg Spirin (Ukraine):

                              The Present-Day Tendencies of Teaching Informatics in Ukraine

                        Aleksandr A. Kuznetsov, Sergey A. Beshenkov (Russia):

                              Russian Educational Standard of Informatics and Informatics Technology (ICT):

                              Aims, Content, Perspectives (cancelled)

                        Yuri S. Ramsky, Olga V. Rezina (Ukraine):
Study of Information Search Systems of the Internet


14.00 – 15.30    Parallel Session 4: Chair: Andreas Holzinger                                          Room HS C

                        Ethics and Collaborative Learning

                        Jürgen Maaß (Austria):

                              Teaching Ethical Aspects in School

                        Patrick Fullick (United Kingdom):

                              Using Networked Computers to Help School Students to Learn About Science through Discussion

                        Markus F. Peschl (Austria):
Acquiring Basic Cognitive and Intellectual Skills for Informatics: Facilitating Understanding and Abstraction in a Virtual Cooperative Learning Environment


15.30 – 16.00    Coffee break with posters of school development projects                                  Aula B


16.00 – 17.30    Parallel Session 5:

                        National Strategies in Perspective - Panel Discussion


                              Roger Boyle, School of Computing, University of Leeds, UK

                              Martyn Clark, School of Computing, University of Leeds, UK

                              Valentina Dagiene, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, University of Vilnius, Lithuania

                              Christian Dorninger; Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Vienna, Austria

                              Roland Mittermeir, Institut f. Informatik-Systeme, Universität Klagenfurt, Austria (Chair)

                              Maciej M. Syslo, Institute of Computer Science, University of Wroclaw, Poland


16.00 – 17.00    Parallel Session 6: Chair: Werner Hartmann                                           Room HS C

                        Teachers Education

                        Karl J. Fuchs (Austria):

                              How strict may, should, must the borders be drawn?

                        Margarete Grimus (Austria):

                              eLearning in Teacher Education – State College of Teacher Education Vienna (PABW)


19:00 - …          Reception of the Governor of Carinthia

                        Innovative Projects in Carinthian Secondary Schools                                 Room HS B

                              Welcome by Martin Strutz, Vice-governor of Carinthia,

                              Presentation of school-projects by Sabrina Schütz, Kärntner
Entwicklungsagentur and Arnold Kern, IT-Coordinator of Carinthia


                        International Buffet                                                                                    Aula B



Thursday, 31st of March 2005


09.00 – 10.30    Session 7: Chair: Laszlo Böszörmenyi                                                    Room HS B


09.00 – 10.00    Jürg Nievergelt (Switzerland) Keynote:

                              Why Teach Introductory Computer Science? Reconciling Diverse

                              Goals and Expectations


10.00 – 10.30    Susanne Loidl, Jörg Mühlbacher (Austria); Helmut Schauer (Switzerland):

                              Preparatory Knowledge: Propaedeutic in Informatics


10.30 – 11.00    coffee break, exhibit of posters (see also session 9)                                         Aula B

11.00 – 13.00    Tutorial 3: Edgar R. Weippl (Austria):                                                           SR 2.42

                              Security and Dependability in eLearning


11.00 – 12.30    Session 8: Chair: Erich Neuwirth                                                             Room HS B

                        ICT and Informatics I

                        Karin Hodnigg (Austria):

                              A Pragmatic Approach to Spreadsheet Training based upon the „Projection-
Screen“ Model

                        Markus Schneider (Germany):

                              A Strategy to Introduce Functional Data Modeling at School Informatics

                        Siglinde Voß (Germany):

                              Informatic Models in Vocational Training for Teaching Standard Software


12.30 – 14.00    Lunch break                                                                                                  Mensa


14.00 – 16.00    Tutorial 4: Walter Waldner (Austria):                                                            SR 2.42

                              E-Learning-Platform MOODLE (Die Lernplattform MOODLE)


14.00 – 14.30    Session 9: Poster-Session Chair: Peter Antonitsch                                 Room HS B

                              Brief presentations of the various poster-contributions shown and
explained in detail during selected coffee and lunch breaks.

                        Erich Hanschitz, Johann Leitner, Bernd Marktl, Judith Michael, Ingomar Preiml, Patrick Horster, Peter Schartner: go2algo – Das Algorithmen-Visualisierungstool

                        Wolfgang Seper: The Gameboy Revolution – ppc@school

                        Marina Glatz: Visualization of Basic Algorithms in Informatics Teaching in Schools – An Empirical Study

                        Gisela Dösinger, Alexander Stocker, Klaus Tochtermann: Knowledge Management Systems – Requirements of Schools

                        Arnold Kern: eKnowledge – Management in Schools at BORG SPITTAL


14.30 – 16.00    Parallel Session 10: Chair: Valentina Dagiene                                        Room HS B

                        ICT and Informatics II                                                                

                        Peter Micheuz (Austria):

                               The Role of ICT and Informatics in Austria’s Secondary Academic Schools

                        Maciej M. Syslo, Anna B. Kwiatkowska (Poland):

                               Informatics versus Information Technology – How much Informatics is

                               Needed to Use Information Technology – A School Perspective

                        Peter Antonitsch (Austria):

                               Standard Software as Microworld?


14.30 – 16.00    Parallel Session 11: Chair: Karl Fuchs                                                   Room HS C

                        School Development

                        Marianne Rohrer, Heimo Senger (Austria):
Informatische Schulentwicklung in der AHS Unterstufe (Sekundarstufe I)
(School development in Informatics)

                        Erzsébet Angster (Hungary):

                               Professional Analysis of the 'Abakusz' Software Development Competition

                        Christiane Borchel, Ludger Humbert, Martin Reinertz (Germany):

                               Design of an Informatics System to Bridge the Gap between Using and

                               Understanding in Informatics


                        Social side events

16:15                Bus departure to Infineon (arrival in Villach: approx. 16:50)

17:00                Bus departure to Klagenfurt City tour (arrival Neuer Platz: approx. 17:15)


                        Conference Dinner                                                                   Schloss Mageregg

19:05                Bus departure to conference dinner (for those, who did not partake in Social Event)

                                        Busses from Infineon and City Tour bring participants directly to the conference dinner. The castle of Mageregg is situated in the north of Klagenfurt, Mageregger Str. 175


                        Dinner speach / performance:

                        Erich Neuwirth (Austria):
Musical Paradoxes brought to Life with Informatics


Friday, 1st of April 2005


09.00 – 10.00    Session 12:  Chair: Anton Reiter                                                             Room HS B

                        Future Developments

                        Werner Wiedermann (Austria) – Keynote:

                              The Future is Mobile – Education meets Mobile Communication


10.00 – 10.30    Coffee break, exhibit of posters                                                                       Aula B


10.30 – 11.30    Session 13: Chair: Patrick Fullick                                                           Room HS B

                        eLearning and Advanced Concepts

                        Andreas Holzinger, Renate Motschnig-Pitrik (Austria):

                              Considering the Human in Multimedia: Learner-Centered Design (LCD)

                              & Person-Centered e-Learning (PCeL)

                        Bruria Haberman, Zahava Scherz (Israel):
Evolving Boxes as Flexible Tools for Teaching High-School Students:
Declarative and Procedural Aspects of Logic Programming


11.30 – 12.30    Panel discussion                                                                                  Room HS B

                        ICT and Informatics Education: Synergy or Contention?


                              Martyn Clark, School of Computing, University of Leeds, UK (chair)

                              Ernst Karner, Berufspädagogische Akademie des Bundes in Wien, Vienna, Austria

                              Jörg Mühlbacher, Inst. f. Information Processing and Microprocessor Technology, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Austria

                              Jürg Nievergelt, Informatik, ETH Zürich, Switzerland

                              Heinz Pozewaunig, SEZ, Villach, Austria

                              Helmut Schauer, Department of Informatics, Universität Zürich, Switzerland

                              Dietmar Schwarzenbacher, UNiQUARE, Krumpendorf, Austria

                              Otto Wurnig, Bundesrealgymnasium Graz, Austria



12.30 – 14.00    lunch break, exhibit of posters                                                                         Aula B


14:00 – 17:30    Tutorial 5                                                                                   

                        Andreas Holzinger (Austria)                                                                           SR 2.42

                              Fundamentals of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) for e-Learning


                        Workshop                                                                                                   SR 2.69

                        Martin Weissenböck: Informatikbezogene Curriculumsentwicklungen für HTLs


14.00 – 15.30    Session 14: Chair: Walter Waldner                                                         Room HS B

                        Organizational Aspects

                        Thorsten Jarz (Austria)

                              Use of Standard-Tools to Reach an Optimal Training/Learning Infrastructure in

                        Terry Haydn (United Kingdom):

                              The Psychology of Trainee Teachers' Use of ICT: A Case Study of Trainee Teachers' Use of ICT, 1995-2003

                        W. David Hughes (United Kingdom):

                              An Overview of the Potential, Constraints and Experience of Developing

                              a Coherent Strategy for the Use of Informatics to Raise Learning Standards

                              in Secondary Schools Based on UK Custom and Practice.


15.30 – 16.00    Coffee break, exhibit of posters


16.00  – 16:30   Farewell Session Chair: Roland Mittermeir                                             Room HS B


Computer Science meets Music at a Historical Site


The official conference dinner of ISSEP will take place at Schloss Mageregg. As a special highlight of the conference, Prof. Erich Neuwirth from the University of Vienna will make us listen to some musical mysteries. Some background of his work can be seen from his abstract:


Musical Paradoxes brought to Life with Informatics

by Erich Neuwirth

                              Eschers stairway is a well known visual paradox. Seemingly it constantly ascends but nevertheless it returns to its point of departure.

                              There exist similar musical phenomena: scales that constantly ascend, but find their end where they began. There are also rhythms that accelerate but still have their end where they originated.

                              We will listen to several of these phenomena and see which informatical support, conceptual as well as technical, is needed to produce such effects. We will also hear and see that such effects cannot be produced without computers. This will get us an idea about the substantial contributions computers yield for new forms of music.

                              Said effects will not only be presented in pre-recorded form. Erich Neuwirth will play instruments that implement such effects live during his lecture.

 Schloss Mageregg
The castle was built for Wolfgang III.
Mager von Fuchsstatt and his wife Elisabeth Paradeiser von Neuhaus. The original construction, a water-castle, was completed 1590. A substantial reconstruction under Thomas Ritter von Moro (planned by Peter Rudolfi, executed by Domenico Venchiarutti) brought it in its contemporary shape.


Since 1967/68 the castle is owned by the Carinthian Hunters Association (Kärntner Jägerschaft). In the park, you have free running wild life.